2023.07.27: response

from the news, Jul ‘23
record breaking heat 
cyclical or climate change
effect’s still the same

the privileged are sheltered
how can we ease suffering

2015.03.30: the Servant of God

I formed you, and set you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations – Is 42:1-6

The Evil-one’s plan has always been
the breaking of the Whole
the separation of the One
Light from Darkness
Now from Eternity
Truth from Love
Justice from Mercy
Life from Death
Creature from Creator
Human from Divine
many from One.

So it was,
to satisfy those
given to hardness of heart,
that the Second:
separated himself from the First
emptied himself of his divinity
and becoming only human
entered into darkness
without Light
without Truth
without Love
without Justice
without Mercy
and without Life.

Like a mariner upon a dark sea
using only the charts of stars
to navigate the waters
he used the scriptures
to find his way in darkness.
The words were but shadows
more like road signs than maps
but even in diminished form
what author wouldn’t
recognize his own work.
Then he discovered
the breath of the Spirit
the Origin of life
the Link connecting
the First with the Second
the Divine with the Human
the Will with the Way
the Beginning with the End.

But the Way will be hard
for the journey to Life
goes through Death.